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"That happiness is an early symptom of misfortune, that 'inherent' within happiness is the power to bring on misfortune, above all through the agency of resentment, whether of men or gods, is a vision that was to persist among the Greeks when almost all others had faded. Yet they did want to be happy." pg 262

How one can live without happiness is beside me. I feel like whenever I get down in the dumps my whole life turns upside down. I have to find someone to have a good time with. Not only does my happiness affect my whole life but it ends up affecting other's lives as well because if I am not happy you can tell and it puts a damper on the mood. I like to be happy and I enjoy making others happy.
Human love is good-will, affection, promoting the happiness of others and finding joy in their happiness.~ Immanuel Kant

This is more so my philosophy of life.

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