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Group Project :)

So with our group project we came up with the idea that if myth today is what you want to know we are going to give it to you. We had a difficult time trying to figure out what we were going to do for our presentation and at first we were just going to do pictures and then we decided to go live! This was by far one of the funnest group projects I have ever had the pleasure of working on. Our group had issues getting together at the same time because of its large size but we finally got it together and made it happen. We decided on togas because of the tradition of togas and Greek Mythology and then it evolved into themed togas to represent gods. I became Zeus and took on the role of the cloud a form used for seduction. Danielle took on the barbie mode and became Persephone and she pulled off her role perfectly. We had Theresa become Dorothy. Bailey became the rambunctious hunter Artemis. She hunted everyone in the bar and on the streets with her her mad skills and lightened the mood for everyone around us. Mr. Quentin played Hercules who was the hero of our group and man did he do a good job. Though one of the women he tried to woo was less then impressed we were proud of his attempts. Abby got to be the cow IO, she was sweet and full of zest as she scribbled her name in the snow and allowed the camera to send the message to her long lost family. Last but not least there was Eric, he became Hades in his flame toga and assumed the role of god of the underworld. This being said we all tromped down the yellowbrick road aka Main street and had a jolly good time explaining mythology to people, who actually already knew the answer but had to be reminded. We had some good laughs from some of the answers and then we got some good answers that we werent expecting. Overall we enjoyed the affects of Dyonisis and the good bozemanite people who put up with our shenanigans and mayhem. Thank you group members for letting this project be a blast!

So Even though it has been a little while since this lecture, I enjoyed the clip from the movie Dead Man with Jonny Depp and it intrigued me enough that I watched it myself. I dont know what I was really expecting but this movie was very interesting, and as Dr. Sexon has said before it "entertained us." This movie allows the viewer the chance to get to know 2 characters. One is William Blake, he receives a job offer and follows it only to have his position filled and his life taken from his hands. He takes on the role of a wayward traveler with no place to go and any hope of getting back to where he belongs destroyed. Then character number 2 comes onto the scene. This one is Nobody. Nobody, once an outcast of his tribe, becomes the hero in the story. He tries to nurse the wounds of William Blake physically and mentally as he helps him on his journey. This movie was great, though the ending was kind of sad because both characters die it was intriguing to watch the 2 paths unfold. One dealt with rejection well and the other lost everything because of it.